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03.20 IPCC发布













The National carbon neutrality Science and Technology Expert Committee was established

On March 1, in order to conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee and the State Council's major decision-making arrangements for carbon peak carbon neutralization, the "Science and Technology Support Carbon Peak Carbon Neutralization Implementation Plan (2022-2030)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan") was solidly promoted, and the Ministry of Science and Technology organized the first meeting of the National Carbon Neutrality Science and Technology Expert Committee in Beijing.

The meeting announced the establishment of the first National Carbon Neutrality Science and Technology Expert Committee, and clarified the specific responsibilities of the expert committee. Liu Zhongmin, academician of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, served as the leader of the expert committee and reported the work considerations of the expert committee at the meeting.

Zhang Yudong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. More than 60 people, including members of the National Carbon Neutral Science and Technology Expert Committee, relevant departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Environmental Resources Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, attended the meeting. Academician Du Xiangwan, Academician Tang Guangfu, Academician He Kebin, Researcher Fu Chengyu, Professor Jia Limin, Researcher Chao Qingchen, Professor Ma Jun, Researcher Xiang Xiang and other expert representatives made speeches and expressed their opinions and suggestions on how to better carry out the work of the expert committee. Zhao Penggao, deputy director of the Environmental Protection Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, expressed warm congratulations on the establishment of the National Carbon Neutral Science and Technology Expert Committee.

The meeting pointed out that carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core after careful consideration, and it is an inherent requirement for implementing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development.  Scientific and technological innovation is the key to simultaneously achieving economic and social development and carbon neutrality.  Track and analyze the technology in the carbon field, evaluate the implementation progress of the "Implementation Plan", and promote the implementation of the "Implementation Plan" to be effective.  Carry out in-depth strategic research, strengthen interdisciplinary exchanges and ideological collisions, and put forward suggestions on major key issues such as the development path of double-carbon technology innovation.

工信部:钢铁、有色、建材、石化化工均已制定碳达峰方案 聚焦高端化、智能化和绿色化








Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical and chemical industries have all formulated carbon peak plans

Focus on high-end, intelligent and green

On the morning of March 5, at the first session of the 14th National People's Congress "Minister Channel" interview event, Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong said that my country's traditional industries are large in size, accounting for more than 80% of the manufacturing industry. Traditional industries are the foundation of a modern industrial system, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries is directly related to the overall construction of a modern industrial system. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is studying and formulating guidance on accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, focusing on high-end, intelligent and green, so that our country's traditional industries will move towards the mid-to-high end.

In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will focus on the following three aspects: 

In terms of high-end, focus on basic support with one hand, and lead with high-end equipment with the other.  Focus on the implementation of two major projects.  The first is the industrial foundation reengineering project, breaking through a batch of basic components, basic parts, basic software, basic materials and basic processes.  The second is to implement major technical equipment research projects, and break through a number of iconic key products in key areas such as large aircraft, industrial aircraft, deep-sea equipment, medical equipment, and agricultural machinery equipment.

In terms of intelligence, implement the "14th Five-Year Plan" intelligent manufacturing development plan.  Focus on key industries in the manufacturing industry, focus on intelligent manufacturing, build a batch of smart factories, and create a batch of smart supply chains.

In terms of greening, it is generally "1+4". "1" refers to the general plan and the carbon peak plan in the industrial field;  Peak plan.  Through the top-level design, the goals, tasks, approaches and measures of industrial carbon peaking are clarified.

Jin Zhuanglong emphasized that we will implement important energy-saving and carbon-reduction projects and major projects, and build a number of green factories, green parks, and green supply chains.  At the same time, promote the application of energy-saving and emission-reduction technologies to strengthen the green and environmental protection industry.  In addition, it is necessary to improve the comprehensive utilization of resources such as batteries, scrap steel, and waste paper for new energy vehicles.













The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Allocation of National Carbon Emissions Trading Quotas in 2021 and 2022"

In order to accelerate the construction of the national carbon emission trading market (hereinafter referred to as the national carbon market), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has compiled the "Implementation Plan for the Setting and Allocation of the National Carbon Emission Trading Quotas in 2021 and 2022 (Power Generation Industry)".  With the consent of the carbon peak carbon neutrality work leading group, it is now issued to relevant units. Please follow the relevant requirements to complete the 2021 and 2022 quota pre-allocation, adjustment, verification, advance payment, clearing and other tasks.

Compared with the quota allocation plan for the first compliance cycle, the quota allocation method for 2021 and 2022 maintains the continuity and stability of the policy as a whole, and at the same time combines the new spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, new situations, new tasks, and industrial technological progress. The actual situation has been adjusted and optimized, and optimizations have been made in terms of the annual division, balance value, benchmark value, and correction coefficient of quota management.





    损失与损害成为焦点:这份报告是IPCC第六次评估周期的最后一份评估产品,共有93位作者参加编写。作者之一阿底提·穆克吉(Aditi Mukherji)表示,气候公正至关重要,因为某些群体正在承受与自身责任不相称的气候变化不利影响。


IPCC Releases Sixth Assessment Report "Synthesis Report"

On March 20, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its sixth assessment report "Synthesis Report" in Interlaken, Switzerland.  Bi Baobao, deputy director of the China Meteorological Administration, led the Chinese delegation to participate in the 58th plenary session of the IPCC, participated in the discussion of all the topics of the meeting, and promoted the "Comprehensive Report" to reflect the results of the sixth assessment in a comprehensive, scientific and balanced manner. Members of the Chinese delegation come from the China Meteorological Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

The Synthesis Report shows that there are a variety of feasible and effective options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to anthropogenic climate change, and that these options are currently practical.

"Mainstreaming effective and equitable climate action will not only reduce loss and damage to nature and people, but also bring broader benefits," said IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee. This synthesis highlights the need for more ambitious action. With urgency, we can still deliver a livable, sustainable future for all if we act now."     

Increased global temperature rise will bring about an escalation of hazards.  

More severe heat waves, more intense rainfall and other extreme weather further increase risks to population health and ecosystems. Deaths from extreme heat have been reported in every region. The adverse effects of climate change on food and water security will intensify as the world warms. When risks combine with other unfavorable factors such as epidemics and conflicts, the situation will be more difficult to control.

Loss and damage in focus: 93 authors participated in this report, the final assessment product of the IPCC's sixth assessment cycle. One of the authors, Aditi Mukherji, said climate justice is critical because some groups are bearing disproportionately the adverse impacts of climate change.









The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Letter on the Public Collection of Methodological Suggestions for Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Projects"

On March 30, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the "Letter on the Public Solicitation of Methodological Suggestions for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Projects" and the "Outline for the Preparation of Greenhouse Gas Voluntary Emission Reduction Project Methodology" (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline"). The "Outline" points out that the methodological fields include energy industry, energy distribution, energy demand, manufacturing, chemical industry, mining/mineral product production, fuel fugitive emissions (solid fuel, oil and natural gas), etc.







