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The first ecological environment comprehensive monitoring satellite with commercial application capabilities in China has been officially delivered

On April 4th, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a ceremony in Beijing to put hyperspectral observation satellites into orbit, marking the official delivery of China's first ecological environment comprehensive monitoring satellite with operational application capabilities. Dong Baotong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.

The use of hyperspectral observation satellites in orbit is of great significance for promoting the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system, dynamically monitoring China's air pollution, effectively monitoring the concentration and distribution of global carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gas columns, serving the key ecological and environmental protection work of "blue sky, clear water, and clean land defense", and supporting "carbon peak, carbon neutrality".

Remote sensing monitoring of ecological environment is an important component of the construction of an integrated ecological environment monitoring system. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will further promote the utilization of existing satellite and data resources, enhance the modernization level of ecological environment supervision capacity, increase external cooperation, and promote the high-quality development of ecological environment satellites, so that satellite remote sensing can play a greater role in promoting the construction of modern construction of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

At the delivery ceremony, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant units, signed the satellite's "Certificate of In-Orbit Use" and "Long Term Operation Management Agreement", played a video of satellite engineering development and application, and read out the evaluation opinions of satellite engineering in orbit given by testing experts.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments, bureaus and directly affiliated units of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, heads of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Emergency Management Department, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Meteorological Administration, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, Xi'an Satellite Measurement and Control Center and other departments, and heads of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group and affiliated units attended the ceremony.

The hyperspectral observation satellite was developed and constructed by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment as the leading unit, and was successfully launched on September 7, 2021. After the satellite was launched into orbit, all testing tasks were successfully completed, and all functional and performance indicators met the overall requirements of engineering development and construction.







2023 Carbon Peak and carbon neutrality Green Development Forum Held in Beijing

On April 7, the 2023 Carbon Peak carbon neutrality Green Development Forum was held in Beijing under the guidance of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecological Environment and the People's Daily, and co sponsored by the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Climate Change Response of the Ministry of Ecological Environment and the Economic and Social Department of the People's Daily.

The theme of the forum is "implementing the new development concept and helping carbon peak carbon neutrality". Representatives of competent government departments, business leaders, experts and scholars and other guests have in-depth exchanges to seek green, low-carbon and high-quality development. The forum also launched the preparation of the "Enterprise Green and Low Carbon Leading Index".

Participants believed that under the guidance of the carbon neutrality goal of carbon peak, we should actively implement the "double carbon" responsibility, build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, layout and build a green cycle industry, solidly promote the transformation of energy demand side, strengthen energy security assurance capabilities, and constantly provide solid support for modernization.

To achieve the "dual carbon" goal, we must base ourselves on China's basic national conditions, adhere to seeking progress while maintaining stability, and handle the relationship between development and emission reduction. Fully leverage the supporting and leading role of technological innovation, and actively promote the transformation of enterprises towards green, low-carbon, and green intelligent manufacturing. At the same time, accelerate the digital transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and achieve the coordinated development of digital economy and green economy.





The National Energy Administration has issued the "2023 Energy Work Guidance"

On April 12th, the National Energy Administration issued the "Guiding Opinions on Energy Work in 2023".The Opinion points out that in deepening the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, it is necessary to vigorously develop wind and solar power generation. Promote the grid connection and production of the first batch of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic base projects with a focus on deserts, Gobi, and desert areas, construct the second and third batches of projects, and actively promote the large-scale development of solar thermal power generation. We will steadily build an offshore wind power base and plan to launch the construction of offshore photovoltaics. Vigorously promote the construction of decentralized onshore wind power and distributed photovoltaic power generation projects. Promote the full coverage of green certificate issuance, connect with carbon trading, improve the renewable energy electricity consumption guarantee mechanism based on green certificates, and scientifically set the consumption responsibility weights of each province (district, city).

The Opinions pointed out that in strengthening energy governance capacity building, it is necessary to improve the energy regulation and policy system. Accelerate the legislative process of the energy law, do a good job in the preparation and revision of the Electricity Law, the Renewable energy law, the Coal Law, the Petroleum Reserve Regulations, the Nuclear Power Management Regulations, the Oil and Gas Pipeline Protection Law, and the Electricity Regulation, and study and draft the Energy Regulation. Establish a sound energy data management system and strengthen data security governance. Strengthen the research on new power system, energy storage, hydrogen energy, pumped storage, CCUS and other standard systems, focus on supporting the establishment of relevant standards for energy carbon peak carbon neutrality, and accelerate the formulation and revision of key standards.



      碳边境调节机制(CBAM)也被称为碳边境税或碳关税(Carbon Border Tax),是欧盟针对部分进口商品的碳排放量所征收的税费。该机制要求,进口至欧盟或从欧盟出口的高碳产品,缴纳相应额度的税费或退还相应的碳排放配额。



The relevant rules of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) were voted through

On April 18, members of the European Parliament voted to adopt the revised rules of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). On April 25th, the European Council voted to approve the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). This marks the completion of the entire legislative process and the formal adoption of CBAM. This regulation will come into effect in 2026, first covering the import of goods such as steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen. Starting from October 2023, companies must start reporting the emissions of their imported goods. The free carbon quotas provided by the carbon emissions trading system to European manufacturers will be phased out in 2026.

The Carbon Border Regulation Mechanism (CBAM), also known as the Carbon Border Tax or Carbon Tariff, is a tax levied by the European Union on the carbon emissions of some imported goods. This mechanism requires that high carbon products imported into or exported from the EU be subject to corresponding taxes or refunds of carbon emission quotas.

The industries covered by the "carbon tariff" include steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen, mainly targeting direct emissions during the production process and indirect emissions to the three major categories of cement, electricity, and fertilizers (i.e. carbon emissions generated by the use of purchased electricity, steam, heat, or cooling power during the production process), as well as a small amount of downstream products. That is to say, the importers of these products must pay the difference between the carbon price paid by the producing country and the carbon quota price in the EU carbon emissions trading system.





The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, will study the requirements for new energy vehicle credit ratio from 2024 to 2025, implement a credit pool management system, and explore the connection with the carbon trading market

On April 25th, the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held an annual report on the implementation of parallel management of average fuel consumption and new energy vehicle points for passenger car enterprises (2023) in Beijing. At the meeting, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, launched the second revision of the "Parallel Management Measures for Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and Points for New Energy Vehicles", studying the requirements for the proportion of points for new energy vehicles from 2024 to 2025, implementing a point pool management system, and exploring a mechanism for connecting with the carbon trading market.

According to the point pool system, when the supply in the point market exceeds the demand, enterprises voluntarily apply for positive point collection and storage of new energy vehicles. The positive points of new energy vehicles stored in the points pool are valid for 5 years, and there is no longer a requirement for a carryover ratio, which means that there will be no further losses when carried forward each year. When the supply in the points market is less than demand, release the stored positive points of new energy vehicles to adjust the supply and demand in the points market. The triggering conditions for the collection and release of points in the point pool are determined by the supply and demand ratio, where the supply and demand ratio refers to the ratio of the positive points of new energy vehicles available for trading in the current year to the negative points to be offset by external transactions.







