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07.07 生态环境部气候司发布关于公开征求



07.12 “全国低碳日”主场活动在西安举办


07.17-18 全国生态环境保护大会在京召开


07.27 国家发展改革委等部门发布《关于推动现代煤化工产业健康发展的通知》


07.31 国家发展改革委发布《关于恢复和扩大消费措施的通知》






The Climate Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has issued a notice on public solicitation. 《Management Measures for Voluntary Emissions Reduction Trading of Greenhouse Gases (Trial)》

On July 7th, the Climate Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on publicly soliciting opinions on the "Management Measures for Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures"), which is the first official management document text released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment after releasing CCER restart signals at multiple press conferences. This document is the latest revision of the "Interim Measures for the Management of Voluntary Emissions Reduction Transactions of Greenhouse Gases" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") issued in 2012 by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the State Administration of Market Regulation. It covers the institutional setup, methodological management, project audit and registration, emission reduction verification and registration, emission reduction trading, and other related aspects of China's CCER trading Preliminary planning has been made for the management, supervision, and legal responsibilities of the approval and verification institutions. The draft of the "Management Measures" for soliciting opinions has attracted widespread attention from all parties since its release, revitalizing market confidence in the restart of CCER within the year. This article aims to clarify the construction ideas of China's greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading market for all market parties and provide suggestions for the optimization and improvement of the solicitation draft by sorting out and interpreting the specific details of this version of the "Management Measures".

The "Management Measures" released this time have specifically added basic principles and requirements for voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in the text, namely authenticity, uniqueness, and additionality, and have unified various regulations for the application of CCER projects in China. Among them, authenticity requires the authenticity of project material information; Uniqueness requires that the project does not participate in other emission reduction trading mechanisms to avoid duplicate calculations of emission reductions in various dimensions, that is, to avoid projects that have applied for green power or CDM, VCS, and other mechanisms from reapplying to become CCER projects; Additionality refers to the mechanism setting of CDM, which requires project implementation to overcome obstacles in finance, financing, key technologies, and other aspects, and has additional emission reduction effects compared to baseline scenarios determined by relevant methodologies. The constraints of the three basic principles ensure that emission reductions can be effectively distributed to areas conducive to green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society, and have basically achieved integration with international carbon reduction mechanisms.



  我国高度重视应对气候变化工作。近年来,我国实施积极应对气候变化国家战略,构建完成碳达峰碳中和“1+N”政策体系,推动产业结构调整、能源结构优化,采取节能降碳减排、建立完善碳市场、增加森林碳汇等一系列措施,应对气候变化取得积极进展。今年“全国低碳日”活动以“积极应对气候变化 推动绿色低碳发展”为主题,旨在推动全社会形成绿色、低碳、可持续的生产生活方式,凝聚全社会合力,积极应对气候变化。


The home event of "National Low Carbon Day" was held in Xi'an

On July 12th, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the People's Government of Shaanxi Province jointly held the 2023 "National Low Carbon Day" home event in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Guo Fang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and Zhong Hongjiang, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government, attended the event and delivered speeches.


China attaches great importance to addressing climate change. In recent years, China has implemented a national strategy to actively respond to climate change, built a "1+N" policy system to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, promoted industrial structure adjustment and energy structure optimization, adopted a series of measures such as energy conservation, carbon reduction and emission reduction, established and improved carbon markets, and increased forest carbon sinks, and made positive progress in addressing climate change. The theme of this year's "National Low Carbon Day" event is "Actively Responding to Climate Change and Promoting Green and Low Carbon Development", aiming to promote the formation of green, low-carbon, and sustainable production and lifestyle in the whole society, gather the collective efforts of the whole society, and actively respond to climate change.


Promoting green and low-carbon development is an inevitable requirement for improving the quality of the ecological environment, and it is also an inevitable choice for transforming development methods and achieving high-quality development. Since the establishment of the "National Low Carbon Day" in 2012, various activities have been held throughout the country to promote green and low-carbon concepts and encourage green and low-carbon actions. After years of efforts, the awareness of the whole society in responding to climate change has been continuously improved, and a good social atmosphere of green and low-carbon has gradually formed. The event organizer advocates that all parties actively participate in addressing climate change. Every industry and enterprise can discover new opportunities, draw new strength, and create new momentum from green and low-carbon, and everyone can be a supporter, practitioner, and advocate of green and low-carbon.




The National Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection was held in Beijing

From July 17th to 18th, the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference was held in Beijing. We will significantly improve the living environment in urban and rural areas, achieve significant results in the construction of a beautiful China, support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment, and accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.


China's economic and social development has entered a high-quality stage of accelerating green and low-carbon development, and the construction of ecological civilization is still in a critical period of pressure and burden. We must plan and promote the ecological and environmental protection work of the new journey with a higher position, broader perspective, and greater efforts, and write a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.




    其中提出,鼓励新建现代煤化工项目承担相应的技术创新示范升级任务,实施重大技术装备攻关工程,加快产业技术优化升级,推进原始创新和集成创新。推进高性能复合新型催化剂、合成气一步法制烯烃、一步法制低碳醇醚等技术创新,推动煤制对二甲苯 (PX)实现产业化突破。聚焦大型高效煤气化、新一代高效甲醇制烯烃等技术装备及关键原材料、零部件,推动关键技术首批 (次)材料、首台(套)装备、首版(次)软件产业化应用。优化调整产品结构,加快煤基新型合成材料、先进碳材料、可降解材料等高端化工品生产技术开发应用。加强有毒有害化学物质绿色替代品和无毒无害、低毒低害绿色化学物质和产品研发。鼓励建设大型高效“气化岛”,打造平台化原料集中生产、下游产品多头并进发展模式。在资源禀赋和产业基础较好的地区,推动现代煤化工与可再生能源、绿氢、二氧化碳捕集利用与封存(CCUS)等创新发展。推动现代煤化工装备数字化建设,鼓励现代煤化工企业、装备企业、服务商组建联合体,研究开发现代煤化工智能装备与场景融合技术,培育一批智慧生产典型场景。


Issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments《Notice on Promoting the Healthy Development of Modern Coal Chemical Industry》

On July 27th, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued a notice on promoting the healthy development of the modern coal chemical industry (hereinafter referred to as the notice). This is the first time that the national government has introduced a new policy specifically targeting the coal chemical industry, following the issuance of the "Layout Plan for Innovative Development of Modern Coal Chemical Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") in 2017. Coal chemical industry refers to the process of using coal as raw material and chemically transforming it into gas, liquid, and solid fuels, as well as chemicals. Modern coal chemical industry can produce alternative petrochemical products and clean fuels from coal through technology and processing methods.


It is proposed to encourage new modern coal chemical projects to undertake corresponding technological innovation demonstration and upgrading tasks, implement major technical equipment research projects, accelerate industrial technology optimization and upgrading, and promote original and integrated innovation. Promote technological innovation such as new high-performance composite catalysts, one-step synthesis of olefins from syngas, one-step synthesis of low-carbon alcohol ethers, and promote the industrialization breakthrough of coal to P-Xylene (PX). Focus on large-scale efficient Coal gasification, new generation efficient methanol to olefin and other technical equipment, key raw materials and parts, and promote the industrial application of the first batch (second) materials, first set (set) equipment, and first version (second) software of key technologies. Optimize and adjust product structure, accelerate the development and application of high-end chemical production technologies such as coal based new synthetic materials, advanced carbon materials, and degradable materials. Strengthen the research and development of green substitutes for toxic and harmful chemicals and non-toxic, harmless, low toxic and low harmful Green chemistry and products. Encourage the construction of large-scale and efficient "gasification islands", and create a platform based centralized production of raw materials and a multi head development model for downstream products. Promote innovative development in areas with good resource endowments and industrial foundations, such as modern coal chemical and renewable energy, green hydrogen, and carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Promote the digital construction of modern coal chemical equipment, encourage modern coal chemical enterprises, equipment enterprises, and service providers to form alliances, research and develop modern coal chemical intelligent equipment and scene integration technology, and cultivate a batch of typical intelligent production scenarios.







Issued by the National Development and Reform Commission.《Measures for Restoring and Expanding Consumption》

On July 31st, the General Office of the State Council forwarded the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Measures to Restore and Expand Consumption (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). The Notice deploys six tasks: stabilizing bulk consumption, expanding service consumption, promoting rural consumption, expanding new types of consumption, improving consumption facilities, and optimizing consumption environment, in order to fully leverage the fundamental role of consumption in economic development and continuously enhance the sustained driving force of high-quality development.


The Notice proposes to implement policies such as building a high-quality charging infrastructure system, supporting new energy vehicles to go to rural areas, and continuing and optimizing the reduction and exemption of new energy vehicle purchase taxes; Encourage the integration of indoor fully intelligent assembly, promote products such as smart home appliances, integrated home appliances, and functional furniture, and improve the level of home intelligence and greenery; Utilize new technologies such as ultra-high definition video, virtual reality, and flexible display to promote supply side technological innovation and upgrade of electronic products; Support wearable devices and intelligent product consumption, and create new scenarios for electronic product consumption applications.


The Notice calls for promoting the construction of digital consumer infrastructure and enriching the application scenarios of 5G networks and gigabit optical networks. Accelerate the Digital transformation of traditional consumption, and promote the development of e-commerce, live broadcast economy, online entertainment and other digital consumption norms. Encourage digital technology enterprises to build digital platforms for daily life services, promote the intelligence of digital life, and create digital consumption formats and intelligent immersive service experiences. Strengthen security supervision such as mobile payments; Actively develop the green and low-carbon consumption market, improve the production and promotion mechanism of green and low-carbon products, and promote the green updating and quality upgrading of durable consumer goods for residents. Establish a sound standard system for energy conservation, low-carbon, and green manufacturing, improve the certification and labeling system for green products, and encourage the development of group and enterprise standards in advance.


The Notice emphasizes that all relevant departments should fully leverage the existing interdepartmental collaboration mechanisms, strengthen collaboration and linkage, strengthen supervision and implementation, and refine work plans and supporting policies based on actual conditions. Each region should strengthen territorial responsibility, improve work mechanisms, carefully organize and implement, take effective measures and explore effective practices according to local conditions, and effectively promote the implementation and effectiveness of various measures.







