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9.01  中国二氧化碳排放量第二季度创纪录地下降了8%


9.07  首钢集团发布“双碳”工作方案


9.09  生态环境部正在研究将煤层气纳入碳交易市场


9.22  国内首个省级绿色电力交易试点规则发布


9.27  江苏省政府报告全省碳达峰碳中和工作情况



9月1日,Carbon Brief 基于官方数据和商业数据的新分析显示,中国的排放量现已连续四个季度同比下降,延续了近期历史上持续时间最长的下降趋势。2022年第二季度,中国的二氧化碳(CO2)排放量创纪录下降了8%,减少了2.3亿吨(MtCO2),是至少十年来降幅最大的一次。最近一个季度的下降的原因:中国持续的房地产低迷、严格的新冠疫情控制措施、电力需求增长疲软和可再生能源产出的强劲增长所推动的。2022年上半年,中国的燃煤发电量同比下降了4%,但在7月和8月出现了增长,原因是中国大部分地区出现了破纪录的热浪和旱灾,但这并没有改变导致排放下降最突出的驱动因素。 


China's carbon dioxide emissions dropped by a record 8% in the second quarter (of the financial year)

On September 1, a new analysis by Carbon Brief based on official and commercial data showed that China's emissions have now fallen for four consecutive quarters year-on-year, continuing the longest downward trend in recent history. China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fell by a record 8% in the second quarter of 2022, by 230 million tons (MtCO2), the largest drop in at least a decade. The reasons for the latest quarter's decline: 1. China's ongoing property downturn 2. strict Covid-19 control measures 3. weak growth in electricity demand, and strong growth in renewable energy output. China's coal-fired power generation fell 4% year-on-year in the first half of 2022 but rose in July and August as record-breaking heatwaves and droughts hit much of the country, but that didn't change the resulting emissions The most prominent driver of decline.


9月7日,首钢集团下发《关于推动首钢高质量发展扎实做好碳达峰碳中和工作方案》提出推动首钢高质量发展扎实做好碳达峰碳中和工作的主要目标:到2025年,建立健全节能降碳体系,能源利用效率稳步提升,吨钢综合能耗降低2%以上。绿色低碳技术推广应用取得积极进展,技术24创新方面取得 1-2 项突破性成果。力争实现碳达峰。到 2030 年,节能降碳体系更加科学规范,能源利用效率大幅提升,碳排放强度持续降低,绿色低碳技术研发和推广应用取得明显进展,突破深度脱碳技术瓶颈。到2035年,绿色低碳发展取得显著成效,力争实现二氧化碳排放量较峰值降低30%。


Shougang Group released the "Double Carbon" work plan

On September 7, Shougang Group issued the "Work Plan on Promoting the High-quality Development of Shougang and Carbon Neutralization". The main purpose of the plan is to establish a sound energy-saving and carbon-reduction system and steadily improve energy utilization and reduce the comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel by more than 2%.

In addition, positive progress has been made in the promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, and 1-2 breakthrough achievements have been made in technological innovation to achieve the carbon peak. By 2030, the energy saving, and carbon reduction system will be more scientific and standardized, the energy utilization efficiency will be greatly improved, the carbon emission intensity will continue to decrease, and the research and development, promotion, and application of green and low-carbon technologies will make significant progress, and the bottleneck of deep decarbonization technology will be broken. By 2035, remarkable achievements will be made in green and low-carbon development, and efforts will be made to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30% from the peak.





The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is studying the inclusion of coalbed methane in the carbon trading market

On September 9, the National Energy Administration issued a summary of the reply to proposal No. 02646 of the Fifth Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In recent years, the state has introduced a series of policies and measures to support the development of the coalbed methane industry and scientifically plan the exploration of coalbed methane. Development layout, increase scientific and technological research and financial and taxation support, vigorously promote large-scale development and utilization, and achieve a rapid increase in coalbed methane reserves and production. The National Energy Administration will work with the natural resources, finance, and other departments to further play the role of the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for coal mine gas prevention and control, continue to increase support for coalbed methane exploration and development, and continuously improve the policy support system to create a favorable policy environment for the development of the coalbed methane industry. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is organizing the revision of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Trading and related technical specifications and is studying the use of coalbed methane development and utilization projects as voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction projects to enter the market to obtain emission reduction benefits.


9月22日,华东能监局、安徽省能源局发布《安徽省绿色电力交易试点规则》,文件为继国网区域、南网区域发布区域绿电交易规则后,国内首个省级绿色电力交易试点规则。文件指出:参与绿电交易的电力用户、售电公司,其购电价格 由绿电交易价格、输配电价、辅助服务费用、政府性基金及附加等构成。其中,输 配电价、政府性基金及附加按政府有关规定执行。参与绿电交易的电力用户应公平承担为保障居民、农业等优购用户电价稳定产生的新增损益分摊费用。试点时间为 2022 年 9 月至 12 月。


China's first provincial-level green power trading pilot rules released

On September 22, the East China Energy Supervision Bureau and the Anhui Provincial Energy Bureau issued the "Anhui Province Green Power Trading Pilot Rules". Trading Pilot Rules. The document points out that the electricity purchase price of electricity users and electricity sales companies participating in green electricity trading is composed of green electricity trading price, transmission and distribution price, auxiliary service fees, government funds, and surcharges. Among them, transmission and distribution prices, government funds, and surcharges are implemented in accordance with relevant government regulations. Electricity users participating in the green electricity transaction shall fairly bear the additional profit and loss-sharing costs incurred to ensure the stability of electricity prices for residents and agricultural users. The pilot will run from September to December 2022.





Jiangsu provincial government reports on the province's carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work

On September 27, the 32nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress reviewed the Provincial Government's Report on the Work of Carbon Neutralization in the Province. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", Jiangsu Province has built a total of 199 national-level green factories, 17 green parks, 23 green supply chain demonstration enterprises, and 283 provincial-level green factories. Efforts will be made to cultivate and develop green and low-carbon industries such as energy conservation and environmental protection, resource recycling, and clean energy. By the end of 2021, the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation (excluding pumped storage) in Jiangsu Province is 44.43 million kilowatts, accounting for 28.8% of the province's total installed capacity. The installed capacity of offshore wind power and photovoltaic power generation ranks first and third in the country respectively.





