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Four departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Building Materials Industry"

On November 7, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Building Materials Industry" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianyuan [2022] No. 149), the Plan clearly pointed that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the structural adjustment of the building materials industry has made significant progress, the industry's energy-saving and low-carbon technologies have continued to be promoted, the energy consumption and carbon emission intensity of key products such as cement, glass, and ceramics have continued to decline, and the comprehensive energy consumption level of cement clinker per unit product Reduced by more than 3%.

During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, major breakthroughs have been achieved in the industrialization of key green and low-carbon technologies in the building materials industry, the level of substitution of raw materials and fuels has been greatly improved, and an industrial system for green and low-carbon circular development has been basically established. Ensure that the building materials industry reaches its carbon peak before 2030.

The "Plan" also proposes to increase policy support. Strictly implement the cement glass production capacity replacement method, organize and carry out special inspections, and severely deal with fraudulent activities, "batching small companies to build large ones", and increasing production capacity in violation of regulations. Increase support for the R&D and industrialization of low-carbon technologies in the building materials industry. Establish and improve the standard system for government procurement of green buildings and green building materials, and increase the procurement of green building materials.

In addition, the plan also mentioned that it is necessary to strengthen the awareness of corporate social



    《实施方案》设立主要目标,到 2025 年,绿色低碳生活理念与绿色低碳发展规范在大中小学普及传播,绿色低碳理念进入大中小学教育体系;有关高校初步构建起碳达峰碳中和相关学科专业体系,科技创新能力和创新人才培养水平明显提升。到 2030 年,实现学生绿色低碳生活方式及行为习惯的系统养成与发展,形成较为完善的多层次绿色低碳理念育人体系并贯通青少年成长全过程,形成一批具有国际影响力和权威性的碳达峰碳中和一流学科专业和研究机构。


The Ministry of Education issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of the National Education System for Green and Low-Carbon Development"

On November 8, the Ministry of Education issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of the National Education System for Green and Low-Carbon Development". Establish the concept of green and low-carbon development, and lay a solid foundation for thinking and action in order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality at peak carbon.

The "Implementation Plan" sets the main goal. By 2025, the concept of green and low-carbon life and the norms of green and low-carbon development will be popularized in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and the concept of green and low-carbon will enter the education system of universities, middle and primary schools; In addition to the professional system of relevant disciplines, the ability of scientific and technological innovation and the level of training innovative talents have been significantly improved. By 2030, realize the systematic cultivation and development of students' green and low-carbon lifestyle and behavior habits, form a relatively complete multi-level green and low-carbon concept education system and run through the whole process of youth growth, and form a group of internationally influential and authoritative students. The first-class disciplines and research institutions of carbon neutrality.






Three departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Nonferrous Metals Industry"

On November 15, three departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Nonferrous Metals Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").

The "Implementation Plan" proposes that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the industrial structure and energy structure of non-ferrous metals will be significantly optimized, and important progress will be made in the R&D and application of low-carbon processes. Energy consumption and carbon emission intensity per unit product of key varieties will be further reduced and the ratio of recylced metal reaches more than 24%. During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, the energy consumption structure of the non-ferrous metal industry has been greatly improved, the proportion of electrolytic aluminum using renewable energy has reached more than 30%, and the industrial system of green, low-carbon and circular development has basically been established. Ensure that the non-ferrous metal industry achieves carbon peaking by 2030.

Judging from the key tasks deployed in the document, the non-ferrous metal industry needs to increase investment in five major aspects, including optimizing the scale of smelting capacity, adjusting and optimizing the industrial structure, strengthening technology for energy conservation and carbon reduction, promoting clean energy substitution, and building a green manufacturing system.






The country's first market-oriented carbon inclusive system was launched in Suzhou

On November 16, the carbon inclusive system of Suzhou Industrial Park was officially launched. It is reported that this is the first market-based carbon inclusive system in the country to realize voluntary emission reduction transactions. The carbon inclusive platform is connected with the data of Suzhou Energy Big Data Center in Jiangsu Province. Relying on the advantages of power big data of power grid enterprises, distributed photovoltaic The "power generation data" of enterprises can be quickly verified as effective "carbon emission reductions", providing enterprises with online emission reduction verification services and reducing the cost of carbon emission reduction verification for enterprises.

Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee, State Grid Suzhou Power Supply Company, and Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange formally signed a cooperation agreement. In the future, the three parites will work together on the operation of the carbon inclusive system in the park, and use distributed photovoltaics as the starting point to build a carbon inclusive system in the park around the certification, transaction and use of carbon emission reductions and establish a set of regional marketization. The voluntary emission reduction trading system builds a bridge between the supply and demand of carbon emission reductions, and also contributes to the region's low-carbon transformation and green development.

Up to now, 15 photovoltaic companies in Suzhou have joined the Carbon Inclusive Platform, and more than 20 companies, including BorgWarner and Safran Aircraft Engines, have made clear their intention to purchase carbon emission reductions. The potential annual demand for carbon emission reductions exceeds 200,000 tons.


    11月20日,在埃及海滨城市沙姆沙伊赫登场的COP27气候峰会终于落下帷幕。近200国的谈判代表达成新的联合国气候协议,通过设立一个“损失及损害”( loss and damage)赔偿基金,协助贫穷国家应对气候灾难的冲击。


    这次会议终于批准了文本中关于设立“损失和损害”基金的规定,以帮助发展中国家承担风暴和洪水等气候引发事件的立即成本。但基金具争议部分如资金来源、哪些国家应提供资金等,将交由一个过渡委员会负责,并于明年阿联酋迪拜举行的《联合国气候变化框架公约》第28次缔约方会议(COP28)上提出建议。在 COP27 上达成的协议是我们整个世界的胜利。据悉,该损失和损害基金针对最弱势国家而设,富余国家不希望资金流向其他更高收入国家,也具备指定的损失与损害用途,包括海平面上升、更强力风暴,以及科学家认为受气候变化相关其他影响、突然或无法挽回的破坏。全球暖化引发的极端气候带来毁灭性风暴、高温和干旱,发展中国家过去30多年来不断要求督促富裕的工业国家,对气候灾难造成的损失提供补偿。但联合国和一些富有国家长期以来阻挡这项提议,担忧会衍生出对温室气体追究法律责任等后续效应。


COP27 climate summit reached a historic agreement: the establishment of a climate compensation fund

On November 20, the COP27 Climate Summit, which was held in the coastal city of Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt, finally came to an end. Negotiators from nearly 200 countries have reached a new UN climate agreement that will help poor countries cope with climate catastrophe by creating a "loss and damage" compensation fund.

Although this climate summit did not achieve major breakthroughs in other areas, it was not easy to reach an agreement on this compensation fund. This was the result of about 36 hours of overtime negotiations. Negotiators and NGOs at the meeting said the new fund was a major achievement. This is the first time a rich country has agreed to pay developing countries for losses caused by global warming, the climate compensation resolution is a major breakthrough.

The meeting finally approved provisions in the text to create a "loss and damage" fund to help developing countries cover the immediate costs of climate-induced events such as storms and floods. However, the controversial parts of the fund, such as the source of funds and which countries should provide funds, will be handed over to a transitional committee, which will make recommendations at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to be held in Dubai, UAE next year . The agreement reached at COP27 is a victory for our entire world. It is reported that the loss and damage fund is set up for the most vulnerable countries. The rich countries do not want funds to flow to other higher-income countries. Related other effects, sudden or irreparable damage. The extreme weather caused by global warming has brought devastating storms, high temperatures and droughts. Developing countries have been asking rich industrial countries to compensate for the losses caused by climate disasters for more than 30 years. But the United Nations and some wealthy countries have long blocked the proposal, fearing that it would lead to follow-up effects such as pursuing legal responsibility for greenhouse gases.





