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     联合国生物多样性大会(COP15)主席、中华人民共和国生态环境部部长黄润秋在加拿大主流媒体《国会山时报》发表题为《凝聚全球治理合力 共建地球生命共同体》的署名文章。


Global Convention on Biological Diversity Conference COP15 kicks off in Canada

On December 7, local time, the second phase of the fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) was grandly opened in Montreal, Canada,196 parties from all over the world will negotiate on the "Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework" and reach expected outcomes.

Huang Runqiu, chairman of the conference and Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, said at the opening ceremony that, as the presidency of COP15, China, with the highest level of political will and leadership, has promoted the first phase of COP15 held in Kunming, Yunnan Province to a complete success. In the second phase of the meeting, China will continue to promote and coordinate all parties to reach the greatest consensus. The "post-2020 global biodiversity framework ".

Huang Runqiu also published a signed article titled "Gathering Global Governance to Build a Community of Life on Earth" in the Canadian mainstream media "Capitol Hill Times".







Four ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting Green Industrial Development in the Yellow River Basin"

On December 12, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministry of Water Resources issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting Green Industrial Development in the Yellow River Basin". The "Guiding Opinions" pointed out that efforts should be made to promote coordinated regional development and green development, improve resource and energy utilization efficiency and clean production levels, and build an efficient and sustainable new industrial green development pattern in the Yellow River Basin.

By 2025, the level of industrial green development in the Yellow River Basin will be significantly improved, the industrial structure and layout will be more reasonable, the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas will be fully completed, and the energy consumption, water consumption, and carbon emission intensity of traditional manufacturing will be significantly reduced. Wastewater recycling, comprehensive utilization of solid waste, clean production and industrial digitalization will be further improved, green and low-carbon technology and equipment will be widely used, and the level of green manufacturing will be comprehensively improved.


    12月18日,欧洲议会和欧盟各国政府就欧盟碳排放交易体系(EU ETS)改革方案达成了协议,并进一步披露了碳关税法案相关细节,确定碳边境调节机制(CBAM,又称“碳关税”)将从2026年正式起征,较今年6月通过的“一读”文本,提前了一年。该协议还确定了削减欧盟企业免费配额的时间表,从2026年开始削减,逐步到2034年实现全部取消。

    CBAM将从2023年10月开始试运行,过渡期至2025年底,试运行时间较此前法案延迟了10个月。该协议强调,过渡期间受影响的企业只需要履行报告义务,旨在收集数据。  除了钢铁、水泥、铝、化肥和电力,最新协议在CBAM的适用范围中还确定了氢能、特定条件下的间接排放、特定前体和某些下游产品,例如螺钉和螺栓等类似钢铁的制品。在过渡期结束前(即2026年之前),欧盟委员会应评估是否将范围扩大到其他有碳泄漏风险的商品,包括有机化学品和聚合物,目标是到2030年将ETS涵盖的所有商品包括在内。此外,欧盟委员会还应评估间接排放的方法以及纳入更多下游产品的可能性。


EU agrees on carbon tariffs

On December 18, the European Parliament and EU governments reached an agreement on the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) reform plan, and further disclosed the details of the carbon tariff bill, and determined the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM, also known as "carbon tariff"). ") will officially start in 2026, one year earlier than the "first reading" text passed in June this year. The agreement also sets a timetable for reducing free quotas for EU companies, starting in 2026 and gradually eliminating them all by 2034.

CBAM will start trial operation in October 2023, and the transition period will be until the end of 2025. The trial operation time is delayed by 10 months compared with the previous bill. The agreement stresses that businesses affected during the transition period will only need to fulfill reporting obligations aimed at collecting data. In addition to steel, cement, aluminum, fertilizers and electricity, the latest agreement also identifies hydrogen energy, indirect emissions under certain conditions, specific precursors and certain downstream products such as steel-like products such as screws and bolts in the scope of application of CBAM . Before the end of the transition period (i.e. by 2026), the European Commission should assess whether to extend the scope to other commodities at risk of carbon leakage, including organic chemicals and polymers, with the aim of including all commodities covered by the ETS in 2030. Inside. In addition, the European Commission should also evaluate the method of indirect emissions and the possibility of including more downstream products.






14th Green Paper on Climate Change released

On December 21, the 14th Green Paper on Climate Change - "Report on Climate Change (2022): Policies and Practices for Implementing the "Double Carbon" Goal" (hereinafter referred to as "Green Paper on Climate Change") was released in Beijing. This book deeply analyzes the new situation and new problems faced by the international climate process, fully demonstrates my country's policy actions and hard work to implement the "dual carbon" goal, and points out that the direction of global green development transformation is unshakable.

First, in 2021, 187 cities will have a score of 67.9-92.56 in the comprehensive index of green and low-carbon development, of which 2 cities with a score of 90 or above are Beijing and Shenzhen; the number of cities with a score of 80-89 accounts for 59.4% of the evaluated cities The cities with 70-79 points accounted for 38.0%; there were only 3 cities with 60-69 points, and all cities failed. Second, most cities have shown a trend of decoupling carbon emissions from the economy. Among them, cities with enhanced decoupling accounted for 23% of the participating cities, and cities with weakened decoupling accounted for nearly 45%. Third, since 2010, the carbon emissions of cities of different sizes have shown a trend of convergence, among which medium-sized cities have the best convergence effect, megacities with a population of 5 million to 10 million and large cities with a population of 1 million to 5 million are the future. Areas that need to focus on controlling the increase in carbon emissions.

The green paper suggests that the relationship between the "dual carbon" goals and the stable economic growth should be coordinated. On the one hand, we can cultivate and expand green and low-carbon industries as the starting point, give priority to investment and development, and make "dual carbon" the engine of development. On the other hand, strengthen the overall layout, promote resource sharing and responsibility sharing, and narrow the gap between regional economic and carbon emission imbalances.






The carbon inclusive platform "Shanghai Carbon Plan" is online: digital RMB settlement, blockchain deposit certificate

On December 26, the carbon inclusive platform "Shanghai Carbon plan" settled in digital RMB was launched. The "Shanghai Carbon Plan" carbon inclusive platform launched by Green Globe Jinke (Shanghai) Digital Technology Co., Ltd. is settled in digital RMB, and advocates the participation of all people in energy-saving and carbon-reduction activities with the concept of green travel and healthy life. The first stage of "Shanghai Carbon Travel" includes subway, bus, cycling, and walking into the platform. The carbon emission reduction is calculated according to the travel mileage for subway or cycling travel, the carbon emission reduction is calculated according to the number of trips for bus travel, and the carbon emission reduction is calculated according to the number of steps for walking and fitness. Calculate energy value. The low-carbon travel and fitness campaigns of the public are visualized and quantifiable.

"Shanghai Carbon Plan" provides the application scenario of digital renminbi. Users' daily low-carbon behavior income can be converted into digital renminbi in real time to promote the opening, daily activity and consumption of digital renminbi wallets. 

The carbon assets collected on the "Shanghai Carbon Plan" platform can be used for enterprises, governments and large-scale activities. These B-end institutions achieve carbon neutrality by purchasing carbon emission reductions and promote the development of a green circular economy.







