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7.07  工信部等三部门联合印发《工业领域碳达峰实施方案》


7.13  住建部、发改委印发《城乡建设领域碳达峰实施方案》


7.14  能源法、碳排放权交易管理暂行条例等列入《国务院2022年度立法工作计划》


7.21  生态环境部7月例行新闻发布会:从环评领域加快推动减污降碳协同增效


7.28  上海市印发《上海市碳达峰实施方案》




The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Industrial Sector".

On July 7, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in the Industrial Sector", proposing that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the optimization of industrial structure and energy consumption structure will make positive progress. The efficiency of energy and resource utilization has been greatly improved, a number of green factories and green industrial parks have been built, and a number of low-carbon, zero-carbon and negative-carbon technology, process and equipment products with significant emission reduction effects have been developed, demonstrated and promoted, so as to consolidate the foundation for carbon peaking in the industrial field. By 2025, the energy consumption per unit of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will drop by 13.5% compared with 2020, the decline in carbon dioxide emissions per unit of industrial added value will be greater than that of the whole society, and the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions in key industries will drop significantly. During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, the industrial structure and layout will be further optimized, the intensity of industrial energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions will continue to decline, and efforts will be made to achieve carbon peaks and neutrality, green, recycling, low carbon as important features of the modern industrial system. Ensure that industrial CO2 emissions peak by 2030.


7月13日,住建部、国家发改委印发《城乡建设领域碳达峰实施方案》(建标【2022】53号,以下简称《方案》)。《方案》提出,推进建筑太阳能光伏一体化建设,到 2025 年新建公共机构建筑、新建厂房屋顶光伏覆盖率力争达到 50%。推动既有公共建筑屋顶加装太阳能光伏系统。加快智能光伏应用推广。在太阳能资源较丰富地区及有稳定热水需求的建筑中,积极推广太阳能光热建筑应用。



The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Urban and Rural Construction 

On July 13, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the National Development and Reform Commission issued the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Urban and Rural Construction (Jianbiao [2022] No. 53, hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). The "Plan" proposes to promote the integrated construction of solar photovoltaics in buildings, and strive to achieve 50% of the photovoltaic coverage on the roofs of new public institutions and new factory buildings by 2025. Promote the installation of solar photovoltaic systems on the roofs of existing public buildings. Speed up the promotion of smart photovoltaic applications. In areas with abundant solar energy resources and buildings with stable hot water demand, actively promote the application of solar thermal energy in buildings.

The "Plan" proposes to strengthen green financial support and encourage banking financial institutions to innovate credit products and services to support energy conservation and carbon reduction in urban and rural construction under the principles of risk controllability and business autonomy.





The Energy Law and the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading are included in the State Council's 2022 Legislative Work Plan

On July 14, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on the issuance of the State Council's 2022 Legislative Work Plan. The "Plan" lists a number of legislative plans. Focusing on strengthening ecological protection and building a beautiful China, the State Council plans to submit the draft energy law and the revised draft of the Mineral Resources Law to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation. Formulate regulations on ecological protection compensation, interim regulations on the management of carbon emissions trading, and revise regulations on the safety and protection of radioisotopes and radiation devices. It is planned to be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation on the draft Law on Farmland Protection and the Draft Amendment to the Law on Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine.






The regular press conference of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in July: Accelerate the promotion of synergistic efficiency of pollution reduction and carbon reduction from the field of EIA

On July 21, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference for July. Liu Youbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that the next step will be to adhere to the national carbon market as a policy tool for controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Continue to strengthen the construction of market functions, gradually expand the coverage of the national carbon market industry, and enrich trading entities, trading varieties and trading methods.Mr. Liu Zhiquan, Director of the Department of Environmental Impact Assessment and Emission Management of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, answered questions from reporters on how to accelerate the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction from the field of environmental impact assessment. The first is to carry out pilot projects for environmental impact assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from construction projects in key industries. The second is to explore the “three lines and one list” and the coordinated management and control path for pollution and carbon reduction in the field of planning environmental assessment.






Shanghai issued the "Shanghai Carbon Peak Implementation Plan"

On July 28, the Shanghai Municipal Government recently issued the "Shanghai Carbon Peak Implementation Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan").

The "Implementation Plan" proposes that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the industrial structure and energy structure will be significantly optimized, the energy utilization efficiency of key industries will be significantly improved, the total coal consumption will be further reduced, and clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy suitable for megacities will be available. The construction of power systems and new power systems has been accelerated, important progress has been made in the innovation, research and development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies, green production and lifestyles have been widely implemented, a circular society has been basically formed, and a green, low-carbon and circular development policy system has been initially established. By 2025, energy consumption per unit of GDP will drop by 14% compared with 2020, non-fossil energy will account for 20% of total energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will ensure the completion of the national target.

During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, significant progress has been made in the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure and energy structure, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system and a new power system have been basically established, a low-carbon development model in key areas has been basically formed, and the energy utilization efficiency of key industries has reached international levels At the advanced level, breakthroughs have been made in green and low-carbon technological innovation, a simple and moderate green lifestyle has been fully popularized, the development level of a circular society has been significantly improved, and the green, low-carbon and circular development policy system has been basically sound. By 2030, non-fossil energy should account for 25% of total energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP should be reduced by 70% compared with 2005, ensuring that carbon peaks are achieved by 2030.





